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Thursday, 23 June 2011

24th June - 4th day of 6th and final chemo cycle

Well, I was given a prescription on Monday for vitamin D.
Well, as there was an hours wait at the hospital pharmacy, and I had already been there for 2 hours.
I was also aware that the Monday was going to be the best that I was going to feel for the next 7-14 days, and didn't want to spend time at the hospital when I could be doing something nicer!
I decided that I would pick it up on Tuesday when I went for my chemo.
The pharmacy wasn't open until after my chemo started and was closed when it finished.........and had it been open, I was too unwell to take the 10 minute walk to the pharmacy and 10 minute walk back. (From the chemo ward).

I am still very excited, knowing that I will not be having any more treatment, and today is the last day of taking the meds that I have to self administer at home!


Just a little note that I forgot to mention yesterday.
There is a high probability that there are cancer cells in my blood stream, because it has already been established that there were cancer cells in the blood vessels leading from and to the tumour.

I am aware of this, but I am still going to see myself as cancer free, because, other wise it would be like looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life looking out for this 'hit man' to get me! Lol!
So- I am going to pick it up today, as I feel a little better.
Can't be doing with all of that!

How do I feel?........

  • Well, heart burn kicking in good and proper, (that will subside).
  • Ankles just starting to swell,(That will sort itself).
  • Tinnitus....seems to remain with me, some times worse than others, but manageable.
  • Palpitations...they will wear off.
  • Sinusitis.......every morning with an addition tension headache, but paracetamol usually controls that. 
  • This is different... constipation instead of loose stools, but I have laxatives.
  • Urine..,,still toilet timing myself, and in a couple of weeks that should be enough to ensure not 'accidents', in the mean time, good old tena pants!
  • Nausea....but on the bright side, I haven't actually been sick yet, although there have been a couple of close calls.
  • Memory, concentration and focus, a bit dodgy still, but I am sure that it will get better.
  • The biggest issue, is getting tired so very quickly. I keep wanting to nod off! I am fighting it by making an effort to do some craft work, but then.........
  • My eye sight, that will be sorted when I see the optician in about 3 weeks. (It is bad for very close up and intricate work, and for reading small print).
  • Oooooo, and my hip joint pain, which I did forget to mention when I went to see the oncologist on Monday. I will though, next time!
What am I still expecting to happen?
  • The couple of days of very painful whole body! Can't bear bed clothes, ordinary clothes to be touching me. But going commando with a kaftan helps with that, and it is only a couple of days. Can't remember when that kicks in, but I dare say I will know soon enough!
  • More hair loss, it falls out in patches. I will go to the hairdressers and have it all shaved off in about 3-4 weeks, then I know that when it grows, it will grow at a consistent rate all over my head, and make it easier to grow and try to style when it is long enough, (If I choose to let it grow at all).
A bit cool this morning, but the sun is shining, which always helps with the 'feel good' factor.

Well, need to go and take this bloody medication now...........only another two medication times today, and it is ALL OVER! (Apart from a couple of side effects).
Hehehehhe.....sounding a bit like 'One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest' there for a moment!

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