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Monday, 28 February 2011

28th February - 6th radiotherapy session

Well, they were right, side effects are kicking in now.
Still got sinusitis...but that is 'hanging on' from the chemo.....

I had a really bad night last night........ terrible stomach cramps kept me awake most of the night.
Toddled off to the loo about 4 times to see if I could 'perform', in the hope that that may relieve the cramps.
No joy though.

This is apparently normal, and I should expect more of it................................ho hum.......
I have a headache that wont be shifted...........
And I am sooooooooo tired............................
My 'nether regions' are starting to get sore now, this too is expected, and will apparently get worse.........

Today, I intend to just 'chill', and do very little, I don't feel that I want anything to eat, just lots to drink.

Right, after that gloom and doom, I am going to look at the positives, because it helps me..........but don't let it fool you, I feel like sh*t!

O.K...the positives........

No hair on my head...... this I am enjoying...saves time and shampoo, I love wearing my head gear! I can colour co-ordinate it to match my clothes.

No hair on my need to go through the rigmarole of hair removal!

No eye brows, well not many anyway...I can paint them on the the shape that I want, no plucking, sugaring and threading!

Not having much of an appetite.. (this is a new thing, started late yesterday).....may be able to counteract the weight gain that the cancer/chemo has induced.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

27th February.

Tra La!!!
No treatment today either!!!!

Getting back to it tomorrow, (that reminds me, I must check and see what time it is!?!)

May have a potter in the garden today, looks like it may remain dryish.........

Being without tinnitus was short came back last night...bummer! No matter, not a real issue.

The ache in my lower back is still there and still constant, and worse than yesterday. Still manageable though.

The soreness where the lump was removed is still there, but the intensity has remained the same so far.

Still peeing a lot, and when I have to go........I mean NOW!!!

I think that I have my bowel movement under reasonable control, for the moment any way......

Carole leaves comments of reassurance for me, which is great, please see her blog....very informative and interesting.....listed under other places...just click it, and it will take you there!
or copy and paste the one below.

I am blessed to have support from so many directions.....Carole, as I have mentioned above................. Carol, Grace, Troy, Gordon and Wendy on Face Book, family, work colleagues...yes, I am blessed!
Thank you all!

Have a great day.

Not a lot more to say today. I will blog after my visit to the hospital tomorrow, so it will be later in the day than usual.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

26th February

No treatment today!

When I went to bed last night, I noticed the tinnitus!
I hardly get heart burn at all now, certainly no more than I would expect with all this!
Not sure how long I haven't had it, but I had it the night before.
Well, looks like that is gone...hehehehe!

I still have sinusitis, I still forget what I am saying mid sentence , not all the time, but enough to drive me nuts!

I still get tired easily. My close vision is still not too clever.

Yesterday, the base of my back started to ache, it has been constant since it started, but it is manageable.
The area that the lump was removed from is starting to get sore.This too is manageable.

I am expecting things to get worse, but for now, all is well, and I intend to make the most of it.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Pictures, as promised

Me, feeling good, the fifth day of radiotherapy.

And another

This one is the back of my 'head gear!'

25th February - 5th radiotherapy session

Still felt as if the table was moving when I KNOW that is wasn'
(That was supposed to be the theme from the Twilight Zone!)!

The side effects should be kicking in on ,Monday or sometime soon after, although, I did shit myself this morning! Thankfully, I was at home!
I made the necessary arrangements before leaving the house to ensure that if it happened again, it would remain my secret, and I wouldn't share the experience with the whole of the Cancer hospital! lol!

I feel particularly bright and cheerful today...... and it is definitely one of my best days,but I am aware that everything that goes up must come down, so I am bracing myself!

Yesterday, I was walking around a shop, and one of the shop assistants said to me,
"You look very modern, are you one of the gypsy types or an artist of something?"

I was quite flattered really, because I have always wanted to be eccentric, lol! I think that I must have made it lol!

Today, 2 people that I have never met before, stopped me to say how much they liked my outfit, how great it looked, and that they wish that they were brave enough to wear something like it.
So 2 strikes lol!!!!!! (I am wearing a different outfit to yesterday, pinks and purples yesterday!)
(Wearing orange and black today).

Tomorrow I will post a pic of me today...on a good day, and then I will post a pic of me on a bad day, the next time that I have one...then you can see the difference.
Have a good weekend!

Thursday, 24 February 2011

24th February - 4th radiotherapy session

Well, still had the feeling that the table was moving....I didn't get the sharp pains where the lump was.

Other than that.....all is well!

I am off to buy another freezer today, only a small one, to keep in the garage, just to take the overflow from the freezer in the kitchen.
As I am not sure how often I will be able to go shopping over the next few weeks, so I want to be sure I have enough in to feed us all! lol!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

23rd February - 3rd radiotherapy session

Again, all went well.
There was a little difference this time whilst on the table....but I am not sure if it was my imagination or not, may be clearer tomorrow, see if it happens again..........
Any way, this is what happened......

Whilst on the table, it felt like it was moving, but I am sure that it wasn't because there was no one in the room...I felt a bit sea sick actually.....really weird!

I felt short sharpe pin prick type pains in the area that the 'lump' was...only about 3 times in the ten minutes and each pain only lasted a fraction of a second.

I will see if the same happens tomorrow, or if my imagination was over active! lol!

Next appointment 09.20 tomorrow.
I am following the instructions with the cream and with the fluid intake, and I am feeling O.K. so far,
so you won't hear me complaining at this time.

Life is good!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Still 22nd - after 2nd radiotherapy session.

All went well.
I tried to find out what stage cancer I had, but apparently it isn't on the radiographers files, so I have to wait 2 weeks to find out.
Never mind, it doesn't actually make any difference to me...what will be will be and all that.........
Had some blood taken today.

Back for 3rd session tomorrow at 12.10.
I will blog tomorrow after that.

Monday, 21 February 2011

22nd February - 2nd Radiotherapy session

As I explained earlier,
I have to have radiotherapy each day for 28 days. (I get week-ends off).
I was told yesterday,
"Looking at you notes, we are throwing everything at you, this is quite a high dose".
This has confirmed what I was told earlier by the is not palliative treatment, which is apparently lower doses to make the patient as comfortable as possible when little else can be done.
My appointment today is 9.40.

I will 'post' again when I return today, but in future I will post on my return from radio therapy, so it will be late morning/early after noon.

Right now, I am drinking, (well, I have finished it actually), my daily glass of cranberry juice.

Chat again later!
Have a good day.

21st February - after the first radiotherapy session.

Got to the hospital.
A nurse called me through, and went through what I can expect. starting with do's and don'ts.

Use your usual products to wash and moisturise the area concerned. (between the waist and top of thighs).
Rub dry.
Worry if you bleed from the vagina.

Use 'Simple' soap and shower gel.
Drink one glass of cranberry juice daily.
Drink plenty of fluid.......about 1 glass of water each hour.
Buy some Aqueous cream to moisturise the stated area 3 times daily.
Pat dry.
Expect the side effects to start kicking in 7 - 14 days from today.
Expect the side effects to 'peak' about 2 weeks after the completion of radiotherapy.
Rest as much as possible.

Inform us if/when
Your skin starts to break down.
If you get diarrhoea.
If you get cystitis.
If you have any other concerns.

She asked if I had any concerns so far, and I went through a couple....they were not to do with radiotherapy, but with chemo.

I brought up the following:
Lack of concentration and focus
Forgetting how to spell simple words
walking into things
lack of co-ordination
deteriorating close vision.

The nurse said that she would speak with the oncologist and let me know tomorrow.
I went in to the waiting room to wait for my radiotherapy.
The nurse returned almost immediately and said that the oncologist needed to see me.

I went to see her. She said that she wanted to send me for a brain scan to satisfy herself and me, that 'there was nothing going on there'.
I need to wait for the appointment for the scan.
This seemed to be the thing that concerned her most, although, she and I are aware that this can be a side effect of the chemo.

I went for my radiotherapy. This was absolutely painless!!!!

Only the side effects to worry about now then!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

21st February - 1st radiotherapy session.

My appointment is at 10.30, it  is 6.30 now. So only 4 hours to go.

I will drive myself there and back.
This afternoon, I have to take my Mum to the blood clinic, so I have to drive then anyway.
I am taking Mum with me to the hospital.

2 reasons:-

1. I don't want to go alone. (Derek has arranged for someone to come and fix the t.v. ariel at 12.30, so he must be at home for then).

2. I don't know how long it will take, so I want to be sure that we get to Mum's appointment on time.

I need to make sure that I wear suitable clothing, as I will need to be naked from the waist down, so I think that a skirt that I can hyke up, pop socks, so I don't have to remove tights and put them back on again, this way, all that I have to remove is my knickers and shoes. So I will wear slip ons.

Well, off for my shower now and to ready myself for the day.
I will report back on my return.

OOPS.....not like this.............
More like.........

No shampoo required now, just a duster Lol!!!!!!!

20th February

First things first....Roxanne's wedding!
Venue has changed.....again!
Now it is in Scotland, in  a ruin...still outdoors.
So....looks like it is all sorted now!
Scotland - 6th August - 4pm
Outdoor buffet -  All sorted - Awning in place, just in case!
Dress has arrived, bought and paid for.
Rings ordered.
Phew!!!!!!!!! Done and dusted, just need to look forward to the day now!


Ooooo, and sort out what I am wearing when I know what shape I am going to be at the time!
(Looking a bit like a Zepplin right now.....well at least I don't have to wear rubber undies and breath in all the time, a bit like being pregnant, there is an excuse to 'let it all hang out!'

Paper work......I am sorry to say, that further procrastination ruled yesterday, (see if I can remove this inertia and do it today - not looking promising though! lol!)

Logged on to cancerreasearchuk,org yesterday, and met some lovely people, in similar and worse situations than I find myself...Hi Carole!
Those of you who have shown an interest in this blog, may also like to read Carole's.

Well, tomorrow is the day I am not looking forward to!
I will gather all of my courage, and shove it in my handbag.
(Hopefully afterwards, I will think that it was,
'Much a Do About Nothing.'
Rock on William Shakespear!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

19th February

The only things that are concerning me at the moment are:-
Lack of concentration,
Poor Memory,
Poor close up vision.
Continence issues.
Intermittent swelling of the hands, feet, face and neck.
Bloating and swelling of the abdomen.
And occasional  challenge regarding my co-ordination.

And, of course;
Radiotherapy on Monday.
I am trying to remember if I was less nervous, as nervous or more nervous than before my first chemo session. I think that it is about the same.

The other stuff seems to have settled to no more than I would have expected 'pre-chemo'.

The kitchen is complete! Blinds up...the lot! I am really pleased, it looks great!

Roxanne's wedding dress arrived today, so I am going to  protect it hang it up.

I am also going to sort out all my paper work , I have been putting it off for a couple of weeks now!

Have a great week end!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

18th February - 23rd day of 3rd chemo cycle

Hi All,
Something new to tell you regarding the chemo......(Well, I hope it is the chemo any way)!

Went off to buy my blinds, to a place that I had been loads of times, jumped in to the car, brum, brum, off we went.
(Mum came).

I couldn't remember where it was, I drove around and around....I just couldn't find it....I couldn't remember how to get there!

I headed back home, and hoped that another shop, closer to home, would stock what I wanted.
I had been to this shop even more often, and it wasn't far from home.

Well....Bloody hell, I couldn't remember where that was! It took me ages to find it.
(Stop laughing)!

I did get what I wanted there, and 2 have already been put up.

I will have to take the sat nav to places that I should know how to get daft is that?!!!!!!

The other side effects remain the same.
They are all manageable, even the new one, with the help of my trusty sat nav!!!!!

February 17th - Day 22 of 3rd chemo cycle

Kitchen is finished....Yaaaaay!

Roxanne has chosen her dress......
Wedding will still take place on 6th August, but she is off to Scotland with Tom, her Fiancée to check out another potential venue....(she will decide eventually, I only hope that it wont be too late)!

Anyway, if you want to see the dress, go to:-

(Site wouldn't let me copy the pic).

I am going to get some blinds for the kitchen today.

I stayed in bed until 10.30!!!!!!! Never been known!!!!!!! Mind you, I was very tired.

Side effects as usual, but sinusitis is particularly bad today, but still manageable,

Monday is sneaking up on me.....I intend to do as much as possible, particularly 'nice stuff' before it arrives!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

16th February - 22nd day of 3rd chemo cycle

No real change from yesterday.
I am getting increasingly nervous about the radiotherapy starting on Monday.
I am doing as much as I can to keep my mind off it.

I am still feeling very positive though.
Just like this lovely cat....He knows that his patience will give him what he wants in the end!!!!!!!

The floor was laid in the kitchen yesterday, and it looks great!
Still have to get the cupboard.
I have decided against the larder unit, instead, I will get a double base unit to put under the work surface in the utility room.
Hopefully, my friend will be able to pick it up for me today, whilst I finishing the final bits of 'tatting' to get the kitchen exactly as I want it.

Monday, 14 February 2011

15th February - day 21 of 3rd chemo cycle

The decorating in the kitchen is finished!!!!!!
Floor going down today.

I need one of those 'larder' cupboards, you know, the tall kitchen cupboards, with a door and shelves inside, I can't fin done any where!!!!!!!

We went for a drink with the Bride and Groom yesterday afternoon, and she looked beautiful.

It was nice to catch up with some of the family.

Side effects......
Well, a bit of a surprise!

I need to wear incontinence  pads at the moment, because I am getting no warning when I need to use the toilet, it just comes! This applies to urine and faeces.
I really do hope that it is temporary!!!!!!
Based on my information, I imagine it may carry on during the radiotherapy, as it is a side effect, the faeces, anyway.
This started in earnest yesterday afternoon.

Please, please please be short terrn only!!!!!!!!!!!

14th February - day 20 of 3rd chemo cycle

Side effects - usual suspects....
tinnitus, sinusitis, close up vision not too good, intermittent heartburn, tire easily,  lethargy and still peeing for England, and if I have to 'go', I mean NOW!!!

All of the above are mild and very manageable. I should imagine that they will become milder as the week goes on.

I was so tired yesterday, I slept in longer than usual in the morning, and went to be d early last night. Slept like a brick!
Had a lay in this morning too!!!

New side effect are expected from the radiotherapy, which starts on 21st, and they probably wont 'kick in'

I doubt that there will be anything interesting regarding the cancer and treatment to report until Monday.
So, I will take the opportunity to just waffle about what I am doing or not doing for the next few days.

 I am off to a wedding this afternoon, and supervising the decorating of the kitchen, well the last little bits anyway.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

13th February - day 19 of 3rd chemo cycle

I was really tired last night, and I slept longer than usual this morning.
Sinusitis woke me this morning. It is worse than usual, so I will take some pain killers.

I think that I may have over done things Friday and Saturday....
No matter, it was worth it!

I intend to cram as much 'good' stuff in this week as possible, just in case I feel a bit rough when the radio therapy begins on Monday........
If I sail through it, (which is my intention), then I will continue to cram 'good' stuff in, just because I can!

I am going to a wedding tomorrow, having new flooring laid in the kitchen on Tuesday, Clean the kitchen cupboards out on Wednesday, and sort the washing. (Been awkward washing for a few days,because Derek is decorating the kitchen).

Thursday, recharge, haven't decided what I am going to do on Friday, and out to lunch with a friend on Saturday, sort out any paperwork/post that needs to be done on Sunday....then...Oh, joy and rapture!
Radio therapy starts.

12th February - day 18 on chemo cycle

Went to Wales.
Sapphire drove Roxanne from Leicester to me in Wolverhampton.
With a couple of breaks, I knew that I could drive to Wales.
The M4 was closed from Junction 23 to and including 28.
I had to go around the houses, and spent more time reversing to let oncoming cars by than I did going forward!
Instead of taking 3 hours, it took 4 and a half hours.
I was completely knackered when we got there!

After coffee and a break, we went for a walk around the grounds. That was great!
Going for a 'yomp' through he woods, stopping to look at the Lake, petting the horses in the field, the Hotel dog decided to accompany us. It was very pleasant.

It was very muddy and wet, I had my walking boots on, my jeans rolled up to my knees, and red brown and orange wooly socks that were hand knitted for me by a friend...a delightful look.

Today, Roxanne found the ruins of a Castle over looking the Three Cliffs bay, so on Monday, she needs to see if she is able to use it for her Humanist wedding.
The drive back was a lot better on the way back than on the way there.
All in all, a very pleasant stay.

The side effects were the usual suspects, but all manageable.

I am 'hanging' I am off.
Good night.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

11th February - Day 17 of 3rd chemo cycle

I had a really relaxing day yesterday.
I was experiencing mild chest pain and palpitations.
This morning, I have sinusitis and tinnitus.
I also had a nose bleed.
All of the above are manageable, so no complaints from me.

Today, Roxanne and her friend Sapphire are coming, they should be here about 09.00.
Then we are all off to Wales to look at a couple of venues for Roxanne's wedding.
I expect that it will take about 3 hours to get there.
We will return tomorrow.

There are a lot of little things that I want to get done before 21st, when I start radiotherapy.
I have no idea how I am going to feel when it starts, so I am erring on the side of caution, in case I feel unable to do much.

I am really looking forward to a couple of days away!!!
I will post again tomorrow, but it will be later in the day than usual.

Have a great couple of days! I know that I will!!!!

The above pictures are of Thee Cliffs Bay, which is where we are going, and the Hotel that we will be staying in.
Let's just hope that weather is kind.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

10th February - day 16 of 3rd chemo cycle

Well, yesterday, I wrestled the shower to the ground and prepared my self for the day.

We sorted the boiler, (I use the Royal WE, it was Derek), only for it to go again!
And Derek started to decorate the kitchen. (After a lot of procrastination). It needs new flooring, as the existing floor covering is old, tatty, and a bit dangerous now.
So...............I felt that it should be decorated first, the guy is coming to lay the new floor on Tuesday.

Whilst the decorating was in progress, I went to have a manicure and pedicure, a bit of a treat!
(I usually do all the painting of the walls and cutting in, but I don't feel up to it).

Well, the therapist was very 'enthusiastic', and managed to scrape my meet to the point of drawing blood, so I have 3 plasters on my feet!

My finger nails, well, the nail polish took over an hour to dry, so both thumbs and the index finger on my left hand got well and truly 'spoiled', and I have to remove the colour before I go to Wales tomorrow.
That's a bummer, because I had them done because I was going to Wales tomorrow.

I am still very excited about going away with Roxanne,her friend Sapphire and my Mum, to 'case the joint' as a venue for her wedding in August.

Side effects...
Other than the additional issue of sore feet, which I suppose is self inflicted, yesterday,
I was physically sick,
Had chest pains and palpitations,
Flashing lights and impaired vision, (to the left eye this time),
Tinnitus...this has been ongoing.
Peeing for England
And this bloody bloating, which is ongoing...I am starting to look like a painted balloon!

Non of the above have been difficult to manage, so.........I am coping quite well and have no real complaints.
(Apart from the bloating...but that means new clothes, and what self respecting woman would complain about that)! lol!