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Thursday 26 May 2011

26th May - Day 17 of 4th chemo cycle

Well, as I said, I am feeling better.

I am expanding again, and starting to look like the 'weeble'......... should return to normal at the end of all this.
My head is getting sore, so the little bit of hair that has returned will be falling out soon. I am not at all bothered about that though, because, as I said before, I quite like having no hair.

Mum obviously noticed that I had been feeling a bit down over recent days, and had a cunning plan.....a ruse!

So we went to town.

Anyway, when there, Mum said that she wanted to go to Marks and Spencer's to get some food for the evening and this we did.

I carried the bag, and Mum suggested that we went to a little Arcade that has all of my favourite shops on it....No argument here!

When there, Mum said that I could pick what ever I wanted and she would buy it for my birthday!

Oh, what joy! what excitement!

Well....into the craft shop we went.

I spent ages looking around, and then selected what I wanted. Mum bought it.
Thanks Mum!

It took me that long to choose, that as soon as we left, the shop owner locked up after us and left!

Pootled off to the car, full of excitement, couldn't wait to get home and play!

Arrived at the car.

You guessed! I left all the food in the shop!

So instead of the 'special' meal that Mum had planned, it was tomato and onion sandwiches all around!!!

(Small price to pay for a great 'play time' last evening!)

I am off to see the the Oncologist today.....11.30 this morning.
I will let you know what is said when I post tomorrow.

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