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Friday 12 August 2011

12th August

I had my brain scan this morning.....
Totally different to the last one.
I had to have my head clamped in position, wear ear defenders and had this cage thing put over my head.
I had to strip off completely too this time, but I didn't last time.
The machine was different as well.

The department that I went to was called,
'Nuclear Imaging'.
Just plain 'ol Radiography last time.

Anyway, I am sure that there is no problem and that I am well.
The only thing that needs to heal and clear up is the infection that I have in the internal open radiotherapy burns.

Tinnitus, tiredness, headaches and poor memory are things that will be with me for some considerable time to come.

But, Hey.......................
Small price to pay for REMISSION!

I don't think that there is any problem with my brain, but I think that the Doctor wanted me to have the scan because of the headaches that I am getting, and because I can't remember simple words some times.
My memory is pretty bad now, although, it wasn't great before!

I am really pleased that I had ear defenders because the thing was bloody noisy!

I need to see the oncologist again on 1st September.


Carole said...

Hi Carol,

Ongoing headaches are such a pain...they get you down after a while :(

I'll be hoping that you get another great result on the 1st September

Hugs xxxx

Carol said...

Thanks Carole,
They are a nuisance, short, sharp, and take your breath away!
I am sure that the results will be fine, and maybe the headaches are just the result of the events over the past few months....hope that you don't get any, or if you do they are not to bad or too often.