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Monday, 6 August 2012

6th August

OK.....Here we are on Monday 6th August.

I had a pj day most of the day, certainly rested most of it.
Claire came to visit about noon, and we spent a couple of hours just chatting and having a giggle.......
Tilda and Dougal were acting oddly......Hmmmmmmm, something is afoot!

Took some awesome pics of both the dogs climbing all over Claire!

The right side of my body sometimes feels too small to accommodate all the bits and pieces that need to be in there, so I need to stretch the side out to make the space bigger.......(probably doesn't work, but it makes me feel better).
What I do, is remain seated and put my right arm straight up and bend it over the top of my head, and at the same time bend the left side of my body over the arm of the chair.................

Claire said......
'Don't expect me to be able to have a decent conversation with you whilst you are sitting there like that!'
Then we both laughed and was great fun, laughing at nothing, talking rubbish and just mucking around!!!!!!!!

Today, I have my drum lesson at 2.00pm........Must, Must, Must keep these up twice a week if I am to meet the challenge on 15th September!!!!!!

Don't read on if you don't want to know...................

Today my purple bucket has had to make an appearance. I am vomiting for no apparent reason.
I have had a head ache and jaw ache for a couple of days, but nothing really worth mentioning, there may be a connection....who knows?

Yesterday I had loose and liquid stools, they came as a surprise.
The colour of English mustard, with little, what appeared to be water melon seeds....these seeds were just little 'blood pellets'.
Only happened once.
Now, today, as I said, I am very sick. Hey Ho, could be worse.
I really am grateful for still being able to do as much as I can with pain that is manageable. There are so many people out there who aren't as lucky as me.........

Read on, your safe now.............

Isn't it fabulous? I have met 4 FB friends in the course of a couple of weeks!!!!!
Troy and Catherine, from Australia, Grace from Ireland, and Carolyn from Peterborough.

The above is Catherine, Troy and Dougal getting me all 'Skyped up'. Thanks Cat.

I am honoured to have met all of you, and want you to know that you have each touched my life....Thank you.

And the biggest news is:-
Happy Anniversary to Roxanne and Tom!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to Stephen!!!!!!!


Titus 2 Thandi said...

Sigh..what I wouldn't give for a picture of you doing your 'stretching' thing;-)

Carol said...

Hi Thandi,
I will see what I can do, and ask Derek to take a pick next time that I do long as I am!