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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Thursday 21st July

I went to the hospital yesterday for 'headstrong'. This is a 1:1 session that goes through different ways to cover your hairless head. There were loads of ideas and demonstrations on how to put scarves and other head coverings on, with information on where to get the stuff.
Well, I had a real giggle, it was fun! Certainly gave me inspiration!

The wedding is getting closer and closer now...I am so excited!

How do I feel?

Well, I was expecting to feel all better and well, back to normal...............
No, I do not.
I still feel very positive, and until told differently, still the same odds as discussed at the beginning of my journey......
50% chance of living more than 5 years,
50% chance of dying within 5 years. Pretty good odds!
I have no intention of going anywhere soon!

Still tire, difficulty concentrating for any length of time, eye sight...still a bit poor for close up work, and using the computer.
Tinnitus, still there.......
Neuropathy in feet, still there,
Continence.........a bit crazy still in the mornings, for about 1 1/2 hours, from waking.

All of the above are manageable....So, good news all around. I have met so many great people on my journey, through 'Cancer chat sites', the hospital and face book. They have all been a great support to me. Thank you all, and I wish you all what you would wish for yourselves.
So.....another great positive!

I have found that my priorities have changed....many of the things that were so important to me seem insignificant now...............
So what if there is dust on the furniture,
Who cares if the pots wait an hour or two before they get washed,
I didn't make my bed before 8am.......AND?

Family, friends, chatting, reading, making things, noticing the feathers that have fallen from the fledglings, new buds opening in the garden...they are the important things.
Take time out to look at them and appreciate them, enjoy the moment, love life!

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