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Saturday 14 January 2012

14th January 2012

I went to the Hospice yesterday fro a 'therapy'.
It was great, chatting 1:1..........'getting everything off of my chest, and a wonderful foot massage.

I told you that I was referred to the McMillan Day Centre too.
Well, they spoke to me about that yesterday as well.

So, I will be attending the Hospice twice a week for at least 6 weeks.
One visit for for the 1:1 therapy.
The pother day is to attend the Day Centre.
There will be a 'multi-disciplinary ' team there, so I will be assessed, and then any assistance that I, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social work input, pain relief.........................
This is fantastic, the opportunities for help are amazing!

You know.........................sitting here, writing this confirms my belief that everything happens for a reason.......................OK, so far, I have no idea what the reason is, but, I do know that cancer connects you to so many amazing, caring and wonderful people...........................................................

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