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Friday, 17 June 2011

18th June - 19th day of 5th chemo cycle

Well, turns out that I have to have my bloods done on Monday, next chemo cycle on Tuesday, (And last one!!!!Yay!!!!).......

Oncologist on Thursday.

Back on pain killers temporarily for headache, sinusitis and toothache, (bloody raging it is!). Pain killers are doing the trick though.

Went out for lunch with my friend yesterday, it was good. Long chat, good food and great company...fab!
I did get tired quite quickly though

I have been beating the birds to my strawberries! They are lovely...juicy and sweet.

Derek, (my husband), is complaining of painful  knees, painful wrist, painful back, sore mouth and tooth ache.
I have suggested a trip to the Doctors and Dentist, will just have to wait and see what happens.

Well, that's it for today.....not really exciting, I know, but, there you go!

Have a great week end!

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